Immersal at AWE Asia — Location-based AR all around

AWE Asia
2 min readAug 29, 2023


Check out Immersal, a pioneer in spatial mapping and visual positioning, at the upcoming AWE Asia event. With its platform seamlessly fusing the physical and digital realms, Immersal offers an immersive glimpse into the potential of augmented reality (AR) within different contexts like entertainment, industry, and gaming.

By harnessing real-time mapping and localization, Immersal’s platform bridges the gap between the tangible and digital, unlocking fresh opportunities for engineers and visionaries across diverse industries.

Beyond this enticing offering, the Immersal booth promises an enlightening experience of demos and discussion. During the conference, ere will be a joint presentation by Chief Marketing Officer Päivi Laakso-Kuivalainen from Immersal and Declan Dwyer from Graviton, Immersal’s esteemed partner in Australia. Titled “Revolutionizing Fan Engagement: Augmented Reality in Stadiums Powered by Visual Positioning Systems and Spatial Computing,” this presentation will delve into how Immersal’s technology is reshaping fan experiences within stadiums, pushing the boundaries of engagement and entertainment.

Visitors to the Immersal booth can anticipate engaging demonstrations that showcase the limitless potential of the technology:

  1. Volumetric Video — Human Presence in Augmented Reality:

Step into the world of volumetric video, where the presence of real individuals is seamlessly integrated into augmented reality. This technology also finds applications in teleconferencing, allowing remote colleagues to interact as if they were in the same room, fostering a sense of presence and collaboration. It can be used in retail, entertainment and even in maintenance. It has many possible use cases.

2. Augmented Reality Stadium Entertainment:

Dive into augmented reality elements that elevate the stadium experience, from interactive halftime shows to real-time data overlays, reshaping fan interaction during live events.

3. Augmented Reality Gaming:

Immerse yourself in augmented reality gaming within real-world environments, from captivating treasure hunts to immersive quests, offering a fresh layer of engagement.

Immersal’s spatial computing capabilities, paired with the accessible SDK, hold profound implications across diverse industries, from architecture to retail and real estate. The Immersal booth beckons attendees to explore the intersection of engineering innovation and spatial computing, providing a tangible glimpse into a future where visionary technology reshapes how we perceive and interact with the world around us. If you’re eager to explore the SDK’s capabilities now, it’s readily available as a valuable (free) resource for developers interested in harnessing location-based AR’s innovative potential.



AWE Asia

Since 2015, AWE Asia has brought together the region’s foremost stakeholders in Extended Reality technology.